Anybody knows about white day? White day is a day that is marked in Asia one month after valentine day where the boys will give chocolate to girl as a reply from valentine day.
Ada yang tau tentang white day atau hari putih? White day adalah hari satu bulan setelah hari valentin dimana para cowok akan memberikan cokelat ke cewek sebagai balasan dari hari valentine.
To cut a long story short, whiteday a labyrinth named school is a PC korean horror game about a high school student sneaks into his school at night to plant chocolates into a girl's desk on White day. However, things get weird and scary at night, ghosts starts to appear, toliet door opened by themselves and a janitor cackles a creepy laugh and beats to death (with a baseball bat) anyone he spots in the halls and will give a relentless chase. It is one of the scariest game ever exist, even that developer released patches for the game to make it less scary because people can't finish the game due to the pure horror. Released in 2000, 10 years before Amnesia: The Dark Descent released, the games share similarities in puzzle solving, running and hide from the forces you can't fight. Also, both of them give unique stories! Although the graphics of whiteday is outdated, it is still good!
Game horor Korea, Whiteday menceritakan tentang seorang cowok SMA yg menyelinap ke sekolahnya malam-malam untuk menaruh cokelat di meja cewek yg disukainya waktu Whiteday. Tapi, sekolah tersebut menjadi aneh dan menyeramkan waktu malam, Hantu bermunculan, pintu toilet terbuka dengan sendirinya dan cleaning service mengejar siapapun yg ditemuinya dan memukulnya dengan tongkat baseball sampai mati. Salah satu game yg paling seram, sampai-sampai developernya mengeluarkan patch-patch supaya seramnya berkurang karena kebanyakan orang tidak bisa menamatkan game tersebut. Dirilis pada tahun 2000, 10 tahun sebelum Amnesia: The Dark Descent dirilis, dua game ini mempunyai kesamaan dalam puzzle solving, kejar-kejaran dan bersembunyi dari apa yg tidak bisa kamu lawan. Dua-duanya juga memberikan cerita yg unik dan berbeda walaupun grafik whiteday seperti grafik dalam House of the dead 2 , grafik whiteday masih lebih bagus dari House of the dead 2.
This video will show you a little bit about the game
One of the ghosts :

My Review about the game
Overall, I think this is a really good game, I really enjoy playing this game and thanks to sonnori, we can play one of the unique horror games. From the graphics, it is standard graphics quality for year 2000 which is most people say, not bad, but instead I say it's nice. Why? Because even the graphics is just standard, the game succeed in give a detailed school environment, the classroom, the hallways, the offices, the labs, they are all real just like in real life, and I really appreciated the developer for this. About the story, maybe most of you will say the story ridiculous and some of you will say it is unique. Myself, it's really unique! It's not mainstream at all, a boy go into his school at night to plant chocolate in a girl desk for whiteday, it's creative I must say, because most people won't think this far about valentine day and such. And then the boy encountered some strange thing happened at his school at night, it's acceptable as we don't know what actually happen at our school at night except the school itself. Then the ghosts, almost all the ghosts based on the asian ghost and school legends and it is scary and succeed at giving me a shiver. Also, if I must choose between this game or Slender, I will choose this game. Why? I have two laptops, one with Ati radeon card and one doesn't have any, but both of them have same RAM, 2 GB. Slender run smoothly in the laptop with Ati radeon card but doesn't run smoothly on the one without Ati radeon card. But, This game run smoothly on both! Whereas Slender simplier than this game from the story side or the puzzle side, get it?So, I give this game 4.5/5 stars because it satisfies me as a horror fans.
You can download the game in here
They continue to update the game and make it better and better and it is english version, so, hope you enjoy this game as I enjoy this game.
Secara keseluruhan game ini bagus, Saya sangat menikmati main game ini dan terima kasih kepada sonnori, kita bisa main salah satu game horor yg unik. Dari grafiknya, kualitas grafiknya kualitas grafik standar tahun 2000 dimana belum terlalu mendetail tapi menurut saya grafiknya sudah cukup bagus. Kenapa? Karena walaupun grafiknya hanya standar, gamenya sendiri berhasil memberikan lingkungan sekolah yg mendetail, kelasnya, lorong-lorongnya, kantor gurunya, laboratoriumnya, semuanya sama seperti di kehidupan nyata dan saya sangat mengapresiasikan developernya untuk hal ini. Tentang ceritanya sendiri, menurut saya sangat unik! Tidak biasa, seorang cowok pergi ke sekolah hanya untuk menaruh coklat di meja seorang cewek untuk Whiteday, kreatif, karena kebanyakan orang tidak berpikir jauh tentang hari valentine dan sejenisnya. Kemudian, cowoknya mengalami kejadian-kejadian aneh di sekolahnya saat malam, bisa diterima karena kita sendiri tidak tau apa yg sebenarnya terjadi pada sekolah kita waktu malam kecuali bangunan skeolah itu sendiri. Hantunya, hampir semua hantunya berdasarkan hantu asia dan mitos-mitos di sekolah dan berhasil membuat saya merinding.
Jadi, saya memberi 4.5/5 bintang untuk game ini.
So, this is a description, review, download link about Whiteday a labyrinth named school. I hope that I can write another multi language post about game. Au revoir~
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